2025 Balloon Festival Poster Contest guidelines announced

Published 1:00 pm Sunday, March 23, 2025

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The Washington Parish Balloon Festival committee recently announced the rules for this year’s festival poster contest. The festival will be held May 30th -June 1st at the Washington Parish Fair Grounds in Franklinton.

WPBF will follow Louisiana Association or Fairs and Festivals Rules and Judging guidelines.

Festival contest guidelines:

1. Limit ONLY two entries per grade from each school will be accepted

    a. School offices may choose or leave it up to the teachers.

     • As our festival grows we will be able to accomodate more artwork.

2. DEADLINE: Posters will be picked up from all schools Thursday, May 15th for Bogalusa Schools and Friday, May 16th for Washington Parish Schools. Homeschool participants can email me lor a pickup time on Friday, May 16th.

3. Director or Contest Megan Hebert email meganladell@gmail.com

Louisiana Association or Fairs and Festivals Poster Contest

THEME: My Festival

LAFF Rules and Regulations:

1. Subject or the poster shall be “My Festival.” The name, location, and date or the event must be on the poster.

2. Any public, private, or parochial school student may participate.

3. Posters will be judged in rour categories:

(A) Grades 1 ·3

(B) Grades 4-6

(C) Grades 7-9

(D) Grades 10-12

4. Posters must be displayed on 14” x 22” white poster paper. r/2 sheet or the standard poster).

5. All work must be vertical. Nothing horizontal will be judged.

6. All lettering must be freehand. Do not use stencils.

7. Mediums used shall be crayons, watercolor, acrylics, felt-Up pen, or oil. No cutouts or collage.

8. First, Second, and Third place winners in each division are eligible lor state competition. Limit or twelve (12) posters per event •Number or entries will be at the discretion or the festival

9. Posters will be Judged and points awarded as follows:

Originality 35%


Neatness 25%

Spelling 15%

10. Information cards (5×7 Index cards) should Include the following:

Name, Address, Telephone, Parent/Guardian Name(s), Grade Level Category and Fair/Festival Name

Information card should be placed on the left top corner or the poster in such a way that It can be Ripped over rrom front to back.

11. Poster prizes (Festlval level):

“First, Second, Third, and Honorable Mention ribbons will be awarded in each division. “First, Second, and Third In each division will be kept by the festival and taken to convention.

One Best or Show ribbon wlll be awarded. The winner will also receive a Weekend Family Pass (good for rour people) to the Balloon Festival.

“Honorable Mention posters will be  displayed in businesses around Washington Parish.

A video or all participating posters and winners will be posted onllne. “Divisions:

Grades 1-3

Grades 4-6

Grades 7-9

Grades 10-12

12. Poster prizes (LAFF/state level):

Third $25.00

Second $50.00

First $75.00

Best Overall $100.00

“The child’s age and art expectations ror that age group will determine the winners.

“Please use a variety of media for each grade. Don’t tum in 10 or the same poster. Choose a variety or age-appropriate entries.

• All entries are judged on their own meriL

• Judging and awards will be administered at the discretion or the festival and its board or directors.