Applications now available for $1,500 American Association of University Women scholarship

Published 1:53 am Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Covington-Mandeville branch of the American Association of University Women is offering a $1,500 scholarship for a local woman attending or planning to attend a community college.

AAUW’s scholarship committee invites applications from women who want to advance their education, no matter their age or circumstances; non-traditional students are strongly encouraged to apply. Community colleges often capture this demographic, according to branch president Eileen deHaro.

The $1,500 scholarship will help offset the cost of books and supplies for a woman attending Delgado Community College, Northshore Technical Community College, or Delta College. Although federal grants and financial aid programs help with tuition, these programs do not pay for everything.

Women living in St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Washington Parishes are eligible to apply. In addition to three letters of recommendation, applicants must also submit a portfolio.

The portfolio can contain anything the applicant thinks will set her apart, giving the committee a glimpse of her life, her plans and her desires, said Ann Kungel, chair of the scholarship committee.

“This gives the applicant the opportunity to be resourceful and creative,” she said.

Applications and additional information are available on the AAUW website at The deadline for submission is May 26, 2014. The winner will be announced in June.