Fortenberry sent to hospital
Published 9:06 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Bogalusa City Council District E representative Sherry Fortenberry suffered a medical issue Saturday night that put her in the hospital.
Fortenberry said she broke her nose after she passed out face-first at home.
“I look like I’ve been a fight and lost,” she said Tuesday. “I’ve got two black eyes. I came to at the emergency room. The doctors are thinking my blood pressure medicine and the heat didn’t mix. All my tests came back normal. I am better. I think I hurt my pride more than anything else.”
After attending a fly-in at George R. Carr Memorial Airfield on Saturday morning, Fortenberry and a group of volunteers picked up trash for a few hours in her district. Fortenberry said trash was picked up from Villery to Robertson streets, and her group picked up 13 large bags of trash.
“I want people to realize District E is not the City Dump,” Fortenberry said. “They need to stop throwing their trash out in this district. I’m adamant about that.”
Fortenberry said all kinds of drugs were found during the cleanup.
“We found syringes, pill bottles with people’s names on them and little baggies with cocaine in them,” Fortenberry said. “People are just using this district as a dumping ground.”
Fortenberry noted that she is feeling better each day since the scare.
“The swelling has gone down an awful lot, but I’m still black and blue,” she said. “I’m glad there is no city council meeting tonight.”