City holds 1st ‘prayer breakfast’
Published 4:35 am Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Austin Darden got things started by playing some introductory music on his keyboard. Then Pastor Travis Houston of First Pentecostal Church took the dais to welcome everybody to what he called the first annual Bogalusa mayor’s community prayer breakfast.
Darden then sang “How Great Thou Art.”
Mike Haley, chief deputy for the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office, said, “Our nation has always been a nation of prayer.”
Pastor Bill Moon of ESM United Methodist Church, which was hosting the event, said, the group of Catholic missionaries that was staying at ESM “was not a good group, it was a great group.”
He later added, “We give thanks for this spiritual food.”
Then breakfast was served by Kurt Wamsley of the Golden Pear restaurant, with some help from Bill McGehee Insurance and the Bogalusa High School Jr. ROTC, who also presented the colors.
Ben Nevers, whose service to the community most recently included a stint as chief of staff for Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards, was the guest speaker.
“We have to replace apathy with excitement,” Nevers said. “Pastors, you can help with that. If every church would make an attempt to adopt a family, I believe we could make it right.”
Houston acted as master of ceremonies.
“We want to make sure we destroy apathy,” he said.
Bogalusa Mayor Wendy Perrette also spoke during the breakfast. She said that she starts every day with verses from the Bible. She shared one of her favorites — “There is nothing more powerful than faith,” the mayor said.
She added, “Today was about a day of prayer that will continue.”
Pastor R. L. Palmer of St. Paul A.M.E. Church gave the closing prayer.
“Father we thank you for this day,” he said. “Bless us, O Lord.”