Angie Little League held a football camp

Published 2:38 pm Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Angie Little Football Camp that took place at Varnado High School last week taught youngsters different aspects of the game.
The camp helped get the participants acclimated to the weather and taught them fundamentals.
“We’re trying to get our boys climatized to the weather, and also, we’re trying to teach them the fundamentals of football, showing them it’s all about team, teamwork and working together,” said Howard Kelly, who is the president of the Angie Youth Sports Association.
Kelly said the main thing is trying to get them out there to kind of get used to the weather and once the season starts, they will be climatized.
Some of the fundamentals the camp taught included, how to get down, how to go on first count, how to run, cut, tackle and the first initial contact with the hands. The camp also taught the participants how to stretch, hydration that includes hydrating the night before and safety such as letting a coach know if they are feeling light-headed.
Another thing the group is doing is trying to get the community more involved.
“We changed our location of practice to kind of get us in a central area,” Kelly said.
Kelly said they used to practice in the Wesley Ray area and they moved it to Varnado High School. The goal of the move is to get the league more visual to the community.
The camp took place Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. There were 14 there on Thursday, but Kelly said they had a bigger turnout on Monday and Tuesday as 25-to-30 showed up.
The rest of the camp’s coaching staff included, Quenzell Spikes, Duran Smith and Frank Harry.

Campers go through a defensive drill where they had to run to the football.

Jamari Johnson runs the rope ladder during the Angie Little League Camp that was held last week at Varnado High School.