Franklinton Police investigate National Guard car break ins

Published 4:56 pm Monday, July 25, 2016


The Franklinton Police Department is investigating a series of car burglaries that happened sometime over the weekend.

Major Justin Brown said either Saturday or Sunday 25 cars parked at the 205th National Guard Center on Taft Drive had windows smashed.
The cars were left over the weekend while National Guard members were on training for the weekend. Monday, an employee noticed the broken windows and called the police. However, as of Monday afternoon, the National Guard members had not returned from training and so Brown said he didn’t know what all was stolen.

“We’re waiting on the Guardsmen to return home from annual training to return home so we can conduct an inventory and know what all was stolen,” Brown said.

In an email, Brown said the police are working closely with the National Guard on the investigation.

The police are also hoping someone from the public saw something or knows something. If anyone has any information, they may call the Franklinton Police Department at 985-839-2977.