Idea for Cleanup Day in Bogalusa should catch on
Published 8:57 am Monday, May 11, 2015
We hope something as simple as a cleanup day around Bogalusa can soon catch fire.
City Councilwoman Gloria Kates sponsored her District A Cleanup Day on May 2 and we understand the event even included people who did not live in District A.
We’ve expressed in the past about and reported on how Bogalusa residents should be less careless about dumping trash along the roadways and more passionate when it comes to picking it up.
The spirit for the cleanup was evident as Ms. Willene Ellzey, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday, was out there doing her part to clean up the neighborhood. If a 90-year-old lady can get out there and help out, what does that say about the majority of people who won’t lift a finger to clean up Bogalusa? Ms. Ellzey is past president of the Bogalusa Chapter of AARP. Also, 16 members of Bogalusa High School’s JROTC participated in the cleanup. Their enthusiasm at whatever they’re doing is infectious.
The other City Council members also noticed what was accomplished last weekend.
“Councilwoman Kates is a very good example to all of us,” District D Councilwoman Malinda White said to a round of applause from the audience and council.
To join the fight against litter in and around Bogalusa, citizens can call the Litter Bug Hotline. To report litterers, citizens can call 1-888-LITRBUG or 1-888-548-7284 and give as many details as possible about the offender.
We commend Kates for her drive and initiative in cleaning up the city and hope the momentum from cleaning up the city doesn’t fade any time soon. Let’s keep it going.